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Monday, November 15, 2010

Recover Hdd Data

Ever had a hard drive get all corrupted by money and power? Or just overuse� I found a good tutorial on how to recover your data from a corrupted hard drive, but it needed some tweaking so I moved some stuff around. This should be more efficient. First things first, you need a new hard drive. It can be external if you want. But you HAVE to be able to mount it as a directory in DSL (damn small linux) Now you need to borrow someone elses computer (cause yours is screwed right?). Download DSL (damn small linux) Just google �Damn Small Linux Download�, you�ll find it. Got it? Good, now boot it. after booting you will see the GUI of the DSL, run TERMINAL and follow this command *Note: this command will make you a super user in DSL #sudo su *Note: this command will mount you HDD on DSL #mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 *Note: this command will check if your data is still on the HDD #cd /mnt/hda1 #ls -al Found any data? If not stop here and cry. If yes move on. Since you already have you new hard drive connected to your PC just run this command series. #mount /dev/hdc1 /mnt/hdc1 #cd /mnt/hdc1 #mkdir backup #cp -R /mnt/hda1/*.* /mnt/hdc1/backup

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